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Are you a Character?

July 8, 2008

It’s time for a play-along post, don’t you think?

Cast yourself in a character role—or more to the point, use yourself as the basis for a new character. Reduce yourself to a few defining characteristics and habits and cast yourself in a story. You’ll probably find it more to amplify your chosen features out of proportion.

I’m a 36-year old computer programmer, shy, with asthma and glasses. I could cast myself as having a secret identity. Or maybe I’d rather be a super-villain. I could have undergone a experimental treatment for my breathing problems, that had terrible unintended side-effects. Never being all that mentally balanced in the first place, one more failed treatment pushed my subconscious over the edge, and I developed an alternate personality bent on revenge.

So let’s see what you can come up with. How will you re-cast yourself?

  1. July 8, 2008 9:37 am

    Paul no longer knows who he was. He remembers that night at the bar, and he remembers the woman who told him he had to run. What happened next is hazy, but he woke up with a mysterious tattoo on his shoulder, a bag full of money, and team of bounty hunters breathing down his neck.

    And her last instruction to him running through his mind – “Find me”.

  2. July 8, 2008 10:17 am

    Lissa no longer wish for happiness instead she wish for uncontrollable rage that can rip through any fearful thoughts that might cross her mind. In the hopes that she might see herself as someone more stable and less insane. Driving extremely fast in her pick-up truck, she knows no destination but plans on going very, very fast to anywhere but her small enclosed life. Chasing nothing has always appeal to her even at a young age. Now driving across the Atlantic, she met a hitchhiker with six fingers and no last name. Even as she opens her car door, she knew her life will never be the same again.

  3. July 8, 2008 1:23 pm

    Hello Everyone, Dale Thank you so much for asking such a great question. Of course had to put my 2 cents worth in and I used your question for my writing prompt today and wrote: I am a Character!
    Enjoy Life!

  4. jodicleghorn permalink
    July 10, 2008 8:48 am

    Better late than never!

    In exasperation, Jodi was caste down from the Mount of the Gods and down to the world below, the world of mortals. She the Goddess of Domesticity was stripped of her magic, of her powers and her divinity … and to atone for her crimes of vanity, recklessness and selfishness was made mortal. Now she seeks spiritual transcendence in child wrangling, dish washing, hanging out laundry, scrubbing the bath, the toilet, keeping a man happy and the million other mundane everydayness of a mother, wife and homemaking … waiting for the day when she can finally reclaim her place as the Goddess of Domesiticity – this time with qualitie she has learnt down here … grace, generosity and humility.

  5. July 12, 2008 8:23 am

    Another evening spilled into the early hours. Her shoulders hunched over the glowing screen and her fingers tapping rhythmically along as Annie manages to chat on skype with friends, gamers and family members around the world as well as chronicle the tales which come unbidden in the witching hours. Demanding voices constantly pestered her, begging for their story to be told. Annie forces herself to close her laptop and creep past her sleeping children, slipping noiselessly into bed. The voices take on shapes and their demand become louder whiles she sleeps. She wonders if this is normal………

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