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[Fiction] Friday

[Fiction] Friday Challenge #213 for June 24th , 2011

[Fiction] Friday Challenge #214 for July 1st , 2011

Write a story using a nursery rhyme (Mary had a little lamb, Three Blind Mice, Jack and Jill, Three Pigs etc.) as your inspiration. Write it from a secondary character’s point of view.

[Fiction] Friday Challenge #215  for July 8st  , 2011

The government has issued a warning that a particular (and common) household item has begun to have an unusual side effect on pets ( or children, or adults) . You realise that own this item and cannot contact anyone at home to check or warn them. When you arrive, you see…..

[Fiction] Friday Challenge #216  for July 15th  , 2011

Your character is at work and prints something personal or sensitive. Unfortunately, they realise they sent it to the wrong printer and,unable to cancel it, by the time they get to the printer, it has disappeared. Now keep writing.

How To Play:

1. Check this page for the weekly challenge. Generally there will be a months worth of prompts posted up to give you fair warning.

2. Write for a minimum of 5 minutes… AND THEN KEEP GOING!

3. NO editing. ( well.. do the obvious spelling and punctuation.. but nothing major)

4. On Friday, post it to your blog.

5. Come back to Write Anything and leave the link to your post using the Link generator.

6. Visit other’s posts and leave constructive comments.

7. Use Twitter (with our hashtag of #fictionfriday) or Facebook etc to tell your network about the stories posted up.

8. Consider recording it using AudioBoo and submitting it on Sunday for our Spoken Sunday Prompt

9. Come back again next week!

The small print – Please note that once your first draft is online it may be  difficult to find a publisher who will accept it  ( as many see an online document as being ‘previously published” or be able to submit  that piece to certain competitions.   Always check with their guidelines before using one of your FF first drafts.