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Writers, Readers, Queensland needs your help

January 12, 2011

Blessed with our modern technology, no doubt you will have heard via facebook, twitter, live feed news coverage or seen incredible scenes on youtube outlining the disaster befalling Queensland in Australia.

‎Well over 75% of the State of Queensland has now been declared a Disaster Area. To put this in perspective – for those who haven’t grasped the enormity of it or are unfamiliar with this part of the world; Queensland is Australia’s second largest state measuring more than 1.72 million square kilometers; 25% of Australia’s land mass; it is four times the size of Japan, nearly six times the size of the UK and more than twice the size of Texas in the US.  This is not a small flood or localised event and is affecting thousands of people right now.

So whats that got to do with writing and this website?

Two of Write Anythings columnists – Jodi and Annie, live in Brisbane, the capital city, which tonight, faces massive evacuation due to the extensive flooding it is experiencing.


The people of Queensland need help. You as a writer, or as a reader, or as someone who knows someone who reads, can help.

100 Stories for Queensland. An anthology of short stories where the proceeds are directly  donated to assist those in need.

Through a series of facebook exchanges, an idea was sparked and incredibly, despite personal pressures, Jodi has stepped up to head a core editorial team from the 100 Stories for Haiti and 50 Stories for Pakistan members to produce an anthology which hopes to financially assist those in need, but to keep their plight at the front of mind for people as this disaster unfolds.


We are asking writers to assist in one thing they love to do. To write.

As with any competition or submission process for a publication, writers will need to submit a piece of work for consideration. It will go through a professional process of judging.

Something between 500-1000 words, something upbeat, even light-hearted, any theme, any genre.

We need it by Friday January 28th.

The submission guidelines are short and sweet and are found on the submission page at:

More info can be found either on the Facebook Page or the Website.

It doesn’t stop there though.

Please get onto facebook and ‘like’ the page 100 Stories for Queensland

Suggest it to other people.. you know – the ones who write, or read.. or know people who read.

When it gets published, buy a box full of them.

Get everyone you know to buy them as well.

There are some other practical ways you can assist people in Queensland. Start by visiting this guide.

Listen to Jodi as she explains how you can help out with the project.


Just in case you can’t imagine the extent of the devastation.  Check out these aerial shots of before and after.

Image is from one of the main streets in the CBD of Brisbane, taken a few hours ago. It is now under water.

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Annie Evett is fine, dry and safe from the flooding. She wishes close friends and family were in the same situation and has shed many tears as she watches her city swallowed up by swirling muddy waters..Follow Annie here on Twitter and catch her growing amount of websites and blogs here

  1. January 12, 2011 5:01 pm

    *HUGS* to everyone – for helping, for thinking positive thoughts, for putting this together…

    Spreading the word…

  2. January 12, 2011 5:05 pm

    Wow I had no idea the damage was this bad. I guess we all get isolated thinking about our own country and it’s problems and we don’t realize what’s going on. I liked your page & will share.

  3. January 12, 2011 8:01 pm

    I’ve been listening to this in the news…how horrible!

  4. January 13, 2011 1:31 am

    I’ll help spread the word.

  5. January 28, 2011 11:14 pm

    This is one of those projects where, long after the sweat and tears have dried, like the ink on our pages, the emotion within our words will continue to baptize our readers into our collective experience. It is a must do for everyone involved. It will be a must read for those who come after.

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