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[Fiction] Friday #141

February 5, 2010

Fiction Friday

[Fiction] Friday Challenge #141 for February 5th, 2010

Pick a book of fiction you’d never read (e.g., if you read sci-fi, pick a romance). Open to a random page and read the last couple paragraphs of the page. DO NOT TURN THE PAGE. Now continue writing the story. Feel free to change the genre as you write.

How Fiction Friday works


Fiction Friday is easy to do.

  • Check this page for this week’s theme or challenge. Prompts are published each month to give you plenty of notice.
  • Spend at least 5 minutes composing something original based on the theme or challenge.
  • But, remember, no editing. This is to inspire creativity not stifle it.
  • On Friday, simply post what you wrote to your own blog.
  • Then come back to Write Anything and leave the link in the comment section below.

If you’re participating in the Write Anything meme, please leave a link to your entry below. (If you’re not participating, please don’t leave a link. People who aren’t playing will be removed). Please don’t forget to leave us a comment in addition to leaving a link!

You might also like to Tweet links from this site as they are posted.

[Fiction] Friday Participants

1. Annie
2. Chris Chartrand
3. Rose
4. newtowritinggirl
5. Zoraida
6. Paul
7. vivi
8. Ronda Levine
9. Christine
10. John Pender
11. Que Pasa?

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

If you’d like to participate further, just go visit some of the other links left by other participants, read what they wrote, and leave a comment. Just be sure that your comment is constructive—this is, after all, a meme to give us all a little writing practice.

Want more information? Visit the Fiction Friday page.

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  1. February 5, 2010 7:29 am

    It’s been a while since I’ve done a prompt from here. What a week to pick-romance. Clearly a genre I have no business writing.

  2. February 5, 2010 9:16 am

    Ahh, I found that hard. It’s good to be stretched sometimes though…

  3. February 5, 2010 7:57 pm

    I haven’t done the fiction Friday thing for a while either! Check mine out…

  4. February 6, 2010 4:57 pm

    I have my prompt ready, and the story busting to get out of my head… now just to find the time to write it. Ack! I will be so much better next week as of the start of my ‘new creative year.’

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